Elements of statistical thermodynamics nash pdf
Elements of statistical thermodynamics nash pdf

– Factors influencing the stability, constants: (i) Metal ion effects (charge/size, IP, crystal field effect, John-Teller effect, Pearson, theory of hard and soft acids and bases (HSAB), elecronegativity and hardness and softness, symbiosis. , Spinels., IC-03: Coordination Equilibria:, 15 hrs, Solvation of metal ions- Metal complex formation in solution-Binary metal complexes., Stability constants (types and relationships between them). Spin crossover:, High spin, low spin cross over phenomenon in and. Applications of magnetic moment, data for the determination of oxidation states, bond type and stereochemistry.

elements of statistical thermodynamics nash pdf elements of statistical thermodynamics nash pdf

Calculation of crystal field stabilization energies (CFSE’s) in six and four, coordinate complexes., Types of magnetic behaviour – magnetic susceptibility – calculation of magnetic moment, from magnetic susceptibility spin only formula ,- Quenching of orbital angular momentum –, Determination of magnetic moment from Guoy’s method. Concept of weak field and, strong fields. d-orbital splitting patterns in regular, Octahedral, tetragonally distorted octahedral, Jahn-Tellar theorem, trigonal bipyramidal, trigonal planar, Pentagonal bipyramidal, and linear geometries. Descent in Symmetry with Substitution – Exercises in, Molecular Point Groups – Symmetry and Dipole moment – Symmetry criteria for Optical, activity., IC – 02: Bonding in metal complexes – I:, 15 hrs, Crystal Field Theory: Salient features of CFT.

elements of statistical thermodynamics nash pdf

week internal assessment Semester exam, CH201T (*), 4, 20 marks, 80 marks, CH202T (*), 4, 20 marks, 80 marks, CH203T (*), 4, 20 marks, 80 marks, CH204T (*), 4, 20 marks, 80 marks, CH251P (IC LAB*) 6, CH252P (OC LAB*) 6, CH253P (PC LAB*) (4h + 2T), Total,, Total, Credits, 100 marks, 4, 100 marks, 4, 100 marks, 4, 100 marks, 4, 75 marks, 3, 75 marks, 3, 50 marks, 2, 600 marks,, 24,, (*= compulsory papers common to all students admitted to M.Sc Chemistry, OU),, 1Ģ, M.Sc CHEMISTRY SYLLABUS, (Effective from academic year 2016-2017 for Campus and Constituent colleges., SEMESTER –I, Semester-I and Semester-II syllabus is common for all specializations i.e., InorganicAnalytical, Organic, Physical, Physical- Organic and Chemistry (Pharmacoinformatics)., Paper 1 CH 101 (INORGANIC CHEMISTRY), IC 01: Symmetry of molecules, IC 02: Bonding in Metal Complexes - I, IC 03: Coordination equilibria, IC 04: Ligational aspects of diatomic molecules, Teaching hours-4/week, Marks-80, IC-01: Symmetry of Molecules:, 15 hrs, Concept of Symmetry in Chemistry – Symmetry Operations – Symmetry Elements:, Rotational Axis of Symmetry and Types of Rotational Axes, Plane of Symmetry and types of, Planes, Improper Rotational Axis of Symmetry, Inversion Center and Identity Element –, More about Symmetry Elements – Molecular Point Groups: Definition and Notation of Point, Groups, Classification Molecules in to C1, Cs, Ci, Cn,Cnv, Cnh, C∞v, Dn, Dnh, Dnd, D∞h, Sn, (n=even), Td, Oh, Ih, Kh Groups. 1, DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY, OSMANIA UNIVERSITY, (Effective from academic year 2016-2017 for Campus and Constituent colleges,, Semester I, Hrs.

Elements of statistical thermodynamics nash pdf